Family Engagement Bags – Take Home Bags For Extending Learning Beyond the Classroom

family engagement take home bags

Family engagement plays a crucial role in a child’s education, and creating opportunities for parents to actively participate in their child’s learning journey is paramount. One innovative approach gaining popularity is the use of Family Engagement Take Home Bags.

These bags are thoughtfully designed to extend an active and engaging learning environment from the classroom to the home. By including books, craft materials, and activities related to STEAM, SEL, Literacy, and Math, these bags provide a comprehensive learning experience while aligning with the criteria for allowable Title 1 and ESSER expenditures. With grade-specific options available, these bags cater to the unique learning requirements of each age group, ensuring a comprehensive and engaging learning experience for students. They also come in a convenient reusable drawstring bag, along with a comprehensive Parent Engagement Guide.

By embracing these bags, schools foster a collaborative partnership between teachers and parents, enabling students to thrive academically and reinforcing the importance of family engagement in education.

Let’s explore the bags in-depth and identify the specific benefits for both teachers and parents.

What are the S&S Family Engagement Bags?

These unique, take-home bags allow you to extend an active, engaging learning environment to the home to continue the learning experience by providing hands-on learning tools that are fun, educational, and grade-appropriate. Perfect for classroom or at-home use.

Grade-Level Specific Bags:

Family Engagement Take Home Bags are designed to cater to different grade levels. Bags are available for grades K through 8, ensuring that the materials and activities are developmentally appropriate and aligned with the curriculum. This targeted approach allows teachers to select resources that are specifically tailored to their students’ needs and interests, maximizing the impact of the Take Home Bags on student learning.

We have grade level options for each bag, ranging from:

  • Grades K-1
  • Grades 2-3
  • Grades 4-5
  • Grades 6-8

literacy bags for family engagement

What is included with S&S Family Engagement Bags?

These themed bags are packed with an assortment of products, activities, and supplies to help students obtain learning goals and objectives as well as books with strong themes and characters to encourage extended exploration. The bags are an excellent value and meet the criteria for allowable expenditures. 

Reusable and Convenient Design: 

To ensure ease of use and transport, Family Engagement Take Home Bags come in a reusable drawstring bag. This practical design allows students to carry the bags between home and school effortlessly. The bags are durable and can withstand regular use, ensuring that the learning materials remain secure and organized.

Educational Supplies:

These bags come with books, games, activity sets, craft materials, and more! We currently have 4 themes and are in the process of developing more. Our current themes are: Literacy, STEAM, SEL, and Math. See below for a detailed description of each.

Parent Engagement Guide:

Each bag comes with a parent engagement guide designed to help parents by providing step-by step instructions and tips on how to get the most out of the materials.

This guide serves as a valuable resource for parents, providing guidance on how to effectively use the materials and activities included in the bag. It offers suggestions for discussions, prompts for deeper exploration, and tips for maximizing the learning experience at home. The Parent Engagement Guide empowers parents to actively engage with their child’s education and supports them in facilitating meaningful learning experiences.

Family Engagement Bag Themes


Build students’ reading comprehension and language skills with these carefully selected books, games, and activities. The titles and games in these kits expose readers of all ages to relatable and interesting subject matter intended to promote enjoyment and repeated use in order to strengthen skills and fluency.

family engagement bag literacy

Examples of items in the bag (items vary):

  • Scrabble
  • Bingo (Alphabet, Picture Words, or Parts of Speech)
  • Bananagrams
  • Composition Notebook & Pencil
  • Crayons or Colored Pencils
  • 3 Age Level Based Books
  • Alphabet Blocks
  • Word or Sentence Building Dominoes
  • 3 Age Level Based Books
  • Age Level Comprehension Workbook​

Each Reading Workbook has more than 40 ready-to-use, skill-building practice pages with easy-to-follow directions and fun, motivating exercises! Perfect for classroom or at-home use, this exciting practice book includes high-interest stories targeted to provide invaluable reinforcement and practice with reading comprehension skills.


Immerse young learners in the world around them with these STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math)-themed kits meant to stimulate children of all ages to discover and explore natural forces that impact their daily lives! Kits include immersive activities using a combination of science, technology, engineering, art, and math concepts that encourage project-based learning and exploration. You’ll find STEAM games, activities and books, along with some art supplies.

family engagement bag steam

Examples of items in the bag (items vary):

  • Marble Runners
  • Volcano Making Kit
  • STEM Related Books
  • Knex
  • Math Splash War Game Cards
  • Dino Math Tracks Game
  • Energy Rod
  • Circuit Clay
  • Clean Water Science Filtration Kit
  • Interlox
  • Number Flash Cards
  • Wikki Stix
  • Cycle Gears
  • Crayons, Colored Pencils or Paint & Brushes
  • Composition Notebook & Pencil

Social emotional learning (SEL)

Research suggests that practicing mindfulness can reduce the negative effects of stress and increase students’ ability to maintain focus. These thoughtfully curated kits include age-appropriate materials that expose young learners to mindfulness and other Self and Social Awareness SEL competencies to help build stress management and other related skills.

famly engagement bag SEL

Each bag is packed with an assortment of SEL products, activities, and supplies that have a specific focus of engaging in mindfulness and feeling calm. The books in these packs are a combination of fiction and non-fiction and will help kids learn critical skills, attitudes, and mindsets for social and emotional success.

Examples of items in the bag (items vary):

  • Yoga Mat & Yoga Cards
  • Exercise Ball
  • SEL Based Books
  • Velvet Art To Go
  • Markers
  • Positive Message Stress Balls
  • Composition Book & Pencil
  • Mindful Kids Activity Cards


Young learners can grow and improve skills with these math-themed kits, meant to stimulate children of all ages to discover and explore how math that is taught in class can impact their daily lives! Kits include math concepts that encourage project-based learning and exploration.

family engagement bag math

Each bag is packed with an assortment of math based products, activities, and supplies to help students obtain learning goals and objectives as well as related books that work in math themed topics to reinforce why math matters in everyday life. Along with the three age-appropriate math themed books​, an age level Math Workbook​ is included. Each workbook has ready-to-use, skill-building practice pages with easy-to-follow directions and fun, motivating exercises!

Examples of items in the bag (items vary):

  • Math Link Cubes Set
  • Math Books
  • Play Money
  • Pattern Blocks
  • Composition Book & Pencil
  • Math Dominoes (Addition, Multiplication, Place Value or Algebra)
  • Number Track Board
  • Math Board Game
  • Number Sleuth Math Challenges
  • Ono 99 Card Game
  • Money Bags Coin Counting Game
  • Fraction Bricks
  • Geomakers Set

Benefits of Family Engagement Bags for Teachers

1) Extended Learning: Family Engagement Take Home Bags offer teachers a powerful tool to extend learning beyond the classroom. By providing carefully selected books, craft materials, and activities, teachers can reinforce and expand upon the concepts covered in class. This helps to solidify learning and bridge any gaps that may exist.

2) Differentiated Instruction: These bags allow teachers to tailor the content to meet the needs and interests of individual students. By providing a range of activities and resources, teachers can address various learning styles, abilities, and preferences. This promotes a more personalized and inclusive learning experience for every student.

3) Reinforcing Parent-Teacher Collaboration: Take Home Bags facilitate ongoing collaboration between teachers and parents. The bags provide a structured platform for parents to actively engage with their child’s education. They can use the materials and resources provided to reinforce classroom concepts, have meaningful discussions, and bond with their child over shared learning experiences.

4) Assessing Progress: Through the activities and projects included in the bags, teachers gain valuable insights into a student’s progress outside of the classroom. By reviewing completed activities or discussing the content covered, teachers can assess the level of understanding and identify areas that may require additional support or enrichment. These bags can also improve academics in the classroom, as students can have a hands-on approach to these subjects with the activities and books included.

family engagement bags

Benefits for Parents & Students

1) Active Involvement: Family Engagement Take Home Bags empower parents to actively participate in their child’s education. By providing the necessary tools and guidance, parents can engage in meaningful learning activities with their child. This involvement fosters a sense of ownership, boosts the child’s confidence, and strengthens the parent-child bond.

2) Support for Learning at Home: These bags provide parents with the necessary resources to support their child’s learning at home. Whether it’s reading a book together, engaging in a science experiment, or solving math problems, parents can facilitate hands-on learning experiences that reinforce classroom concepts. This support creates a seamless connection between school and home.

3) Promoting Literacy and Numeracy Skills: With books and math-related activities included in the bags, parents can actively promote literacy and numeracy skills in their child’s everyday life. Regular reading and math practice at home contribute to improved academic performance, enhanced critical thinking abilities, and a love for learning.

4) Building Relationships: Family Engagement Take Home Bags encourage open communication and collaboration between parents and teachers. By engaging in shared learning experiences with their child, parents gain insights into their child’s educational journey, which can lead to more effective communication with teachers and a deeper understanding of their child’s strengths and challenges.

5) Boost Mental Health: These bags can also have significant benefits for student mental health. Engaging in hands-on STEM activities promotes problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and creativity, which are known to positively impact mental well-being. Literacy activities, such as reading books and engaging in storytelling, can provide an escape, reduce stress, and foster imagination. Math activities help develop logical reasoning and cognitive abilities, contributing to a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence. SEL activities included in the bags promote emotional regulation, self-awareness, and interpersonal skills, which are crucial for managing stress, building resilience, and establishing healthy relationships. By offering a holistic range of activities, Family Engagement Take Home Bags create an environment that supports student mental health, fostering a positive mindset, emotional well-being, and overall psychological development.

STEAM bag for family engagement

Benefits for YMCA

In addition to the advantages for teachers and parents, Family Engagement Take Home Bags also offer several benefits for organizations such as the YMCA. As community centers that often provide educational and enrichment programs for children and families, the YMCA can leverage these bags to enhance their services and further engage their members. Here are some specific benefits for the YMCA:

1) Enriched Program Offerings: By incorporating these bags into their programming, the YMCA can offer an extended learning experience to children and families. These bags provide additional resources, materials, and activities that align with the YMCA’s focus on holistic development and lifelong learning.

2) Strengthened Family Connections: Family Engagement Bags promote family engagement not only within the school context but also within the YMCA community. By providing families with opportunities to engage in shared learning experiences, the YMCA fosters stronger bonds and connections among its members. This contributes to a sense of belonging and a supportive community environment.

3) Enhanced Outreach and Partnerships: The YMCA often collaborates with schools and other community organizations to provide educational support to children and families. Family Engagement Bags can serve as a valuable tool for establishing and strengthening these partnerships. By sharing resources and aligning their efforts, the YMCA can amplify the impact of the bags, reaching a broader audience and maximizing their outreach potential.

4) Complementary Programming: The activities and materials in Family Engagement Bags can complement the YMCA’s existing programming. Whether it’s incorporating STEAM, SEL, literacy, or math activities, these bags provide a variety of resources that can be seamlessly integrated into the YMCA’s educational programs, camps, after-school activities, and other initiatives.

5) Accessible and Inclusive Learning: The bags support the YMCA’s commitment to providing accessible and inclusive learning opportunities. By offering bags for different grade levels, the YMCA ensures that children of various ages can benefit from age-appropriate materials and activities. This inclusivity promotes equal access to educational resources and fosters an environment of diversity and equity.

kids stem activities

Utilizing Funding For Family Engagement Bags

Family Engagement Take Home Bags can also align with both Title 1 and ESSER funding priorities. By utilizing these funds for the procurement and implementation of these bags, schools can enhance family engagement, bridge learning gaps, and promote the academic success and well-being of all students, regardless of their socioeconomic status.

Title 1 Funding

Title 1 is a federal program aimed at providing financial assistance to schools with a high percentage of students from low-income families. The goal of Title 1 funding is to ensure that all students, regardless of their economic background, have access to a high-quality education.

Family Engagement Take Home Bags align well with the principles of Title 1 funding. These bags provide an equitable opportunity for students from low-income families to engage in enriching educational activities at home. By extending the learning environment beyond the classroom, the bags help bridge the achievement gap by providing additional resources and support to students who may face socioeconomic barriers.

Title 1 funds can be allocated to procure these themed bags, as they directly contribute to enhancing family engagement, promoting academic success, and supporting the educational needs of students from disadvantaged backgrounds. By using Title 1 funding for these bags, schools can ensure that all students have equal access to high-quality educational resources that foster a love for learning and academic growth.

ESSER Funding

The Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund is a federal program established to provide financial assistance to schools and districts to address the impact of significant disruptions, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal of ESSER funding is to support schools in addressing the learning gaps, implementing health and safety measures, and supporting the overall well-being of students.

Family Engagement Take Home Bags are an ideal expenditure under ESSER funding. These bags directly address the learning gaps and disruptions that students may have experienced during periods of remote or hybrid learning. By providing engaging and educational materials, the bags help to reinforce and extend classroom learning, filling in any gaps that may have occurred.

Furthermore, the bags support the social-emotional well-being of students by promoting family engagement, collaboration, and meaningful interactions between parents and children. This aspect is crucial, as the pandemic has highlighted the importance of strong connections and support systems within families.

Using ESSER funds to invest in Family Engagement Take Home Bags ensures that schools are allocating resources to create a holistic and supportive learning environment for students. These bags facilitate the continuation of learning beyond the school walls, strengthen family engagement, and address the unique challenges brought about by the pandemic.

kids math activities

How to Order Your Own Custom Family Engagement Bags

If you’re interested in purchasing more than 300 units our content specialists can work with you to develop unique theme customizations!

Complete the process in 4 easy steps:

  • Choose your Family Engagement Take Home Bag
  • Place your Order (using information below)
  • Bags arrive pre-assembled and can be labeled by grade or classroom for easy distribution
  • Arrange curbside pickup times to distribute

If you would like to discuss options, please contact us today!

You may also contact:
Jody Bertrand
Email – [email protected]
Phone – 1-800-288-9941 ext. 2278

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