Building A Snowman- Winter PE Activity

snowman winter pe activityAll over the world children love playing in the snow, and why not have some of that fun in Physical Education class? This year, one of the most popular holiday games was “Do You Want to Build a Snowman?” As I scrolled through social media in search of new and interesting ideas, various versions of this game appeared for students from the kindergarten through high school. It was clear, through the abundance of pictures and videos, that students absolutely adored this game. I was sold, and had to give it a shot!

It was time to take a trip into the PE closet and pull out as much equipment as possible. Nothing was off limits. Potential snowman parts for my version of the game included the following:


How to Play “Do You Want To Build A Snowman?”

Unload as much equipment as possible into the center of the gym. In groups of 2-3, students spread out around the perimeter of the space. On the signal to begin, the first student runs around the perimeter to earn the opportunity to retrieve two pieces of equipment from the center to begin building a snowman. As the first student finishes the lap, the next student immediately begins to run his/her lap. Meanwhile, the partners who are not running are brainstorm ideas and begin to build their snowman. I allow 3-5 minutes to gather equipment, depending on the size of the class.

Once all the equipment is gathered, I give the students three minutes to put their finishing touches on their snowman. After three minutes, each group walks around the perimeter to admire each team’s snowman.

I was blown away by the teamwork and creativity my students exhibited. Each snowman was unique and made the builders proud!

snowman pe

snowman physed

pe snowman activityAbout the Author:

Justin Cahill has been teaching physical education for 21 years. He began his career in Washington, DC before moving to Atlanta in 2007 to work at Trinity School. To learn more about his program check out his blog at You can also follow him on Twitter @justybubPE and check out his Facebook group called Keeping Kids in Motion for ideas, articles, blog posts, and videos promoting lifelong fitness for today’s youth.

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