Bring the Circus to Your Residential Care Facility

carnival senior facility

Everyone loves the circus! Bringing the circus to your program will create such a buzz among residents, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner!

Each week spend an hour or two at the Circus. Provide fun facts for the residents, show old pictures of carnivals and teach them how to be a part of the circus act. Get families and grand children involved in the activities, making sure there are activities for everyone to participate in. We have this Carnival Juggling Pack that comes with instructions for each activity that can get you started, and a list of some ideas below.

Popcorn, Cotton Candy and possibly even peanuts or animal crackers are great snacks to have during these activities. Crafts that would work during any of the weeks, and are great for all ages and abilities, include our Paint A Dot Circus Craft Kit and these Carnival Bookmarks.

Week 1: Clowning Around – Official Clown School. Have face paint and red nosescircus seniors available. Encourage residents to create their own clown with this carnival mask or to get into character themselves.

Week 2: Spinning Plates – In our Carnival Juggling Kit shown above we have spinning plates. Work with residents on handing off the spinning plate to them so that they can learn to juggle it.

Week 3: Flying Scarves – Get some fun music going and work with residents on learning to juggle scarves. For some residents you may have to throw the scarf back and forth with them or have them “juggle” with another participant.

Week 4: A Magic Show! Learn a few card tricks online and impress your crowd before you teach them a few that they can try with family and friends that come to visit.

Week 5: Games! Games! Games! – Set up a few different tossing games in your activity area, giving residents tickets for playing, which they can later “cash in” for a small prize.

So get that popcorn maker fired up, and practice your juggling skills! We want to hear from you how your circus activities are going. Comment and share with us below.

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